At the tender age of 72, Rowena decided not only to join a ladies Physie class, but to compete in a team and individually as a Beginner Lady as well! Teacher Annette says, “It was her very first time in a leotard and on a physie competition floor. We are so proud of this women and very impressed with her efforts”.
What made you start physie?
I’ve always been a sporty person and, when my neighbour who has done Physie for years asked me along, I thought I’d see what it was all about.
What was it like when you went to class?
After two free introductory classes I said to my friend, “You must be joking! I can’t do this – I can’t even point my toe!” But, having the “I can’t let this beat me” attitude, I said I would join and give it a go. There were many times when I struggled with the choreography. Other than Ice Dancing, I had done no other form of dance. I’ve played Squash, Soccer, Softball and Athletics until I was 60 so it was very frustrating at times but I didn’t give up.
What was it like to compete?
It was fine once I got on the floor and knew there was no going back and I just prayed my mind would remember the routines, which it did (with just a few mistakes). I was very nervous about forgetting the routines before I competed but thought “Hey! I have worked very hard all year I have to do this.”
How did you feel afterwards?
I felt I had achieved what I had set out to do. At the beginning of the year I was completely hopeless with the whole concept of Physie deportment and positions and, even though I am flexible and strong enough, I found it hard with the coordination of correct arms and legs in the choreography. So I think, for me, it was a great achievement!
What do you like the most about physie?
I love the music that was in the syllabus this year. I absolutely loved the fact that l my deportment is much better and I loved the routines, once I could actually remember them. I loved being a part of a Physie family at Wauchope and being accepted as I have been. Everyone is so nice, friendly and helpful. I have also noticed that since Physie has finished for me this year and I have gone back to my weekly exercise class and the routines that I do at home (Yoga, Kickboxing, Aerobics etc.) that I am even stronger than before. So that is a big plus at my age.
Will you be back next year?
I would love to come back next year, all being well, and hope to be a much better Physie lady.
Did you know…
Until 1990 Ladies were only allowed to wear black as the main colour of their leotard. A colour
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman