A physie lady told me recently that when she came home from class one night her husband said, “You always look so good when you get home from physie!” It got me to thinking…. well of course she would!
* Exercising
* Having fun
* Learning something new
* Dancing to music
* Seeing her friends
Sounds great! But there’s even more to the story… Here’s what actually happens to your body when you exercise in your physie class:
* Elevated heart rate
* Increased rate of breathing
* Increased blood flow
* Muscle contraction
* Movement of joints
* Weight-bearing impact
* Dramatic increase in brain activity
And all this leads directly to many wonderful benefits, including:
* Clearer skin
* Improved mood
* Improved sleep
* Boosted energy levels
* Increased fitness
* More efficient heart function
* Reduced blood pressure
* Decreased risk of heart and blood vessel diseases
* Boosted brain cell function
* Prevention and even reversal of brain decay
* Prevention and reversal of muscle decay
* Maintenance of healthy bone mass (preventing osteoporosis)
* Release of neurotransmitters which help fight off depression
* Increased cognitive abilities like concentration, focus and motivation
* Normalising of glucose, insulin and leptin levels (optimising overall health)
So… I bet you didn’t know physie was doing all that for you?
So don’t miss a physie class … and if you haven’t joined up yet, today’s the day! We have 200 locations all around Australia. If you already do physie, bring a friend along – they’ll thank you for it.
Give us a call on 02 9858 5122 to find out your nearest club of happy, healthy ladies.
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Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman