Here’s a story from one happy physie mum, whose daughter recently got to meet her idol.
“My gorgeous princess Ella made it to Nationals this year. It was her first year there in the 6 years and, as a treat, I took her to watch the “big girls” at Opera House.
Although she did fall asleep part way through the second half, she had said to me earlier just how nice that lovely girl in the green at the back of a certain section was. So we nudged her awake in time for Grand. She studied all the beautiful girls coming down the steps with awe and watched Grand with a smile on her face the whole time, busily making her own judging notes in the program.
And then, as Brooke Davey was announced to be Grand Champion, she exclaimed “Mum she is stunning. She is my favourite. Could I be like her?”
So all week after Opera house, I heard about how Brooke Davey did her work that night and how Ella was going to do her work just like Brooke at Nationals on Sunday. She made the 6 year final and she said to me, “Mum I marched just like Brooke did and I held my balance for just as long as Brooke did!”
I had told her that she might get the chance to meet Brooke out the back as she would be doing a display for everyone and, although she didn’t see her out the back, she was so happy just to be in the audience in the afternoon so she could watch Brooke dance again.
Then by chance a good friend, who had heard about Ella and her new love for Brooke, crossed paths with Brooke and told her the story. So Ella got to meet her idol after all. Seeing the joy on my little peanut’s face meeting Brooke brings back all the memories I had meeting Candy Wolfson over 20 years ago.
I wanted to share this feel-good story as there have been many this year and I love it that Ella has her own one now. Can’t wait till next year!”
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