BJP is inviting every club to make a short movie about their physie club. We are running a competition for the best club video clip and the winning entry will be included on the 2013 BJP Syllabus DVD.
Entries should be between 30 and 60 seconds in length and be submitted on DVD to the BJP office. One entry per club. So, talk to you teacher and get together with your club mates, get the creative juices flowing and start shooting!
The deadline is close of business Friday 5th April. We must receive your DVD by then for your club to be in the running.
Your theme can be anything to do with your club, your members, your teacher, your comps, your travel, your classes or all of the above – just anything physie. The sky’s the limit!
You don’t have to add a music soundtrack but, if you do, it will have to be one of the pieces of music on our 2013 CD because we already have permission to use those on the syllabus DVD. (Unless someone from your club composes the music themselves).
If you have any questions, just ask your teacher – and if they don’t know, they can call us in the office.
Happy editing!
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