A toe rise is used often in physie and can be done in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th position.
Here’s how to achieve a steady toe rise without overbalancing:
- Push through your feet and steadily lift the heels
- Ensure posture is upright and head up
- Ensure core is switched on (abdominal muscles engaged)
- Ensure your weight is distributed evenly over both feet
- Squeeze your thigh muscles (If in 1st or 3rd squeeze thighs together. If in 2nd or 4th just engage inner thigh muscles).
- Keep pelvis tucked (in other words, bottom under!)
- Keep legs straight, knees locked
- Breathe in to rise up and out to lower down steadily
Tip for great toe rises:
It’s a common mistake to push weight over the big or little toe so try to avoid this. Try to push your weight forward over your middle toe. This will keep your feet perfectly aligned and help you to balance and will avoid sickling.
Doing toe rises is a great way of building strength in your calf muscles, which you need for your Physie routines. When you have mastered toe rises with 2 feet, try single leg toe rises, with the other leg in triangle position. Start holding onto a wall then, as you improve, move away from the wall.
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