With the BJP 2021 competition season finally finishing last Saturday in Qld, it’s time to say a big, huge, in fact MASSIVE thank you to the volunteers who helped at our events. Without so many wonderful people pitching in, the competitions just couldn’t have happened. All these people freely gave up their time to help with a vast array of jobs and we are so grateful. (If we have missed anyone, we’re sorry – you know who you are and we thank you too!) Particular mention should go to the Covid Marshalls because, let’s face it, it’s a tough gig.

In addition to these volunteers there were dozens and dozens of Associates who also volunteered to help – too numerous to mention. They volunteered even on days when they didn’t have people from their own club competing! This kind of selfless giving is what makes Physie tick. Let’s hear it for the ladies in red! And our fabulous Zone Heads. And let’s not forget the 120 judges who gave up their time too, to do perhaps the hardest job of all. Without them there can be no competitions. There are too many teachers to list but we did want to mention our volunteers by name – so here they are…

Alison Spencer
Amanda Frazer
Andi McCoy
Andrea Campbell
Ariana Barron
Belinda Scott
Billie Kuczynski
Cara College
Charli Kuczynski
Christine Ellis
Eliza Herbert
Emily Woodman
Erin Taylor
Frances Tuck
Francine Lee-Smart
Gabby Smith
Gail Brown
Gemma Scott
Glenna Bampton
Grace Juhasz
Heather Smith
Ingrid Sugars
Janelle Comerford
Jason Sugars
Jeanette Kelly
Jocelyn Cole
Jodie Moxey
Judy Herbert
Kristie Jackson
Kristy Reynolds
Lara Sullivan
Laura McLenehan
Leanne Crossland
Lisa Saffery
Lucy Paugler
Lynne Hodson
Lyn Lamont
Lyn Vennick
Madelean Presnell
Maryanne Webb
Mia Dallinger
Michelle Brown
Michelle Wilson
Natasha Webster
Pat Bampton
Rebecca Throsby
Renee Bowe
Rhonda Ramsay
Savannah Mantell
Shadni Sier
Shannon Smith
Sharon Jones
Sophie Herbert
Suzi Richens
Tahlia Grounds
Tanya Pitt
Tonya Grant
Wendy Edwards
Wendy Phillips

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