We had such a response to our blog on the girls from Carramar Physie club being school captains and prefects!  Here’s one example.


I was just reading your story on the website re “Physie makes Tomorrow’s Leaders” and thought I would share this team photo from 2013 of the Kings Langley 11-12 yr old team.

From left to right they are:

1st – Kaitlyn- School Vice-Captain 2014
3rd-  Eli – School Vice captain 2013
4th – Abbey – School Prefect 2011
5th – Hannah – School House Sports Captain 2013
6th – Danielle – School Prefect 2013
7th – Layla – School Prefect 2013
8th – Lena – School Captain 2012

What amazingly talented leaders.  Kathy Brookhouse

Thanks Kathy.  Clearly physie is weaving its special kind of magic at this physie club too!


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