Here are few things that every Physie girl should consider when making a New Year’s Resolution for 2019!!!
I will give 100% of my attention to my physie teacher in classes instead of wondering where everyone got their new physie clothes from!
I will try to fix everything my teacher tells me to work on instead of just the things I enjoy doing.
I will attempt to come early to Physie class and try to stay long enough, so I have time to warm up, cool down and stretch properly….. attempt!
I will write my goals down on paper to make them more than just a dream.
I will start making positive, healthy choices and focus on the things I can change instead of the things I can’t.
I will practice … more ?
Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Turn your dreams into goals and then, into reality!
Write down your goals. What do you want to achieve in 2025 – or in this life? Every