my physie idol“Phoebe Collins from Figtree club is my physie idol.

The first year I went to Physie’s Night of Nights at the Opera House I noticed on the program that a girl had the same surname as me, Collins. When I saw Phoebe on that Opera House stage, I was in awe.

Phoebe had long legs, perfectly pointed toes, amazing flexibility and she had the best strength. From that moment on, even though she went to a different club to me, I was going to cheer for Phoebe when I saw her at Interclubs, Opera House or at teams.BJP04DEC13-03983

In 2013 when Phoebe was named Grand Champion at the Opera House, I cheered so loudly. Then my teacher surprised our club at the end last year to say that Phoebe and her teacher, Emma, were going to run a workshop for our club in 2014.

So in February this year, the day finally came and I was able to meet Phoebe, my idol, in person. I am so grateful to Phoebe for showing us how she achieves her beautiful toe points, flexibility and strength – and that’s with lots of hard work.

Thank you Phoebe. You have inspired me to work even harder.”

Bec Collins

Tip of the week

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Kicks Kicks must be executed by raising and lowering the working leg with control. The body must remain

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Physie TV

Physie TV

Some of the best selection of videos highlights on Physie TV

Hall of Champions

Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

See our Physical Culture image gallery


Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.