I came across your “physie sisters” series and wanted to share my gorgeous girls with you. I have 4!
The two older girls have been doing physie over half their lives – Sophee since she was 4 and Maddy since she was 3 – and they’ve had a happy and successful time at physie.
Their younger sister Charly loves her physie and is constantly showing anyone, anywhere, her physie brilliance by marching or stretching. She is always seen beside or at the front of the 11-12 year class and, although not in time with the older girls, she certainly knows the routines!
Two of these photos are from our club comp where the preschoolers dressed as fairies (Maddy assists at their weekly class) and the other is with their littlest physie-girl-to-be sister, 8 month old Chelsi. Michelle
These 3 physie girs never miss a class. Their teacher Elizabeth says “I can always rely on them, they are great girls.” Here’s a photo of them taken on the way to club comps, at the Botannical Gardens. There was a new baby girl born into the family this year, so soon there will be 4 physie girls!
Did you know…
Until 1990 Ladies were only allowed to wear black as the main colour of their leotard. A colour
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman