It’s International Women’s Day 2024!

When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

Collectively, let’s forge a more inclusive world for women.

Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.
We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements.

At BJP Physie we celebrate strong , dedicated , creative women who share our victories and push us through our challenges.  We are proud to watch so many incredible women working together though Physie, proving to generations of girls to come that they CAN do it. 

There is nothing better as a physie girl than achieving a personal goal and knowing that there are thousands of women behind you, cheering you on and ready to celebrate your achievements.  For some, that could mean gaining the confidence to perform in front of an audience, mastering that tricky step in class, coming to your first physie lesson or winning a prize in a competition.

This day gives us the chance to reflect on the contributions women make each and every day to make our world a better place.

Share your story and tell us about a woman in your life who is a great role model and has had a positive impact upon you, your physie club or your community.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Tip of the week

July 26th, 2024|

Kicks Kicks must be executed by raising and lowering the working leg with control. The body must remain

Physie Hacks!

July 25th, 2024|

Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see


July 23rd, 2024|

During the Second World War, BJP gave intensive fitness training to army recruits for 3-4 weeks on board

5 mins with Ariana

July 21st, 2024|

My life as a Physie girl in 5 words is ….. Fun, friends, caring teachers, learning, rememberable! The best

Physie TV

Physie TV

Some of the best selection of videos highlights on Physie TV

Hall of Champions

Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

See our Physical Culture image gallery


Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.