Can someone please explain why it’s always 30 degrees whenever we have a physie rehearsal? Never mind! The girls are having an awesome time at the Easter Show rehearsal today, despite the heat, and are getting ready to perform in the main arena on 21st March. There’s a record number of performers again but we’re all too busy dancing to count them! Here’s some pix…
On behalf of BJP and all the girls in the Easter Show performance we want to say a huge THANKS! to the show’s wonderful choreographer, Emma Sadd and to the amazing teaching and logistics team who put this show together today. We couldn’t have done it without you! We thank them for giving up their whole day and working non-stop for 8 hours (especially in that heat!!). They are: Julie Hockey, Tracey Hoyt, Chelsea Quinn, Lisa Wiseheart, Aimee Taylor, Charis Young, Kristy Stephen, Kiara Sinclair, Emma Holden, Linda Griffiths, Beverly Edwards, Sheila McCarthy, Betty Graham, Nola Hellyer and Alicia Reinhard.
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Did you know…
The roll-top desk and chair used by Christian Bjelke-Petersen, our founder, still graces our offices today. Not many