“Another Associates class done and dusted! The most rewarding part of our classes is that they reinforce the confidence in each teacher that we are doing a great job interpreting the syllabus. And it’s also a great experience of networking and continuing our friendships. The brain overload resulting in many a headache is well worth the effort! We are dedicated and passionate about our physie – we think that makes us great role models for our students.
Our teachers travel from afar; Moree a 7 hour round trip, Coonabarabran and Muswellbrook a 4 hour round trip and Gunnedah and Armidale a 2 hour round trip. Our dedicated teachers of New England Zone are always keen to attend. We know it is the best weekend to catch up, share news, show family photos of how the babies have grown and, of course the main reason, to do our PHYSIE!
Our Associate teacher, Vivienne Booth was very patient with the endless questions and requests of ‘Can you just do that one more time?’ She was very impressed with our ability to read and interpret the syllabus, what we call our ‘bible’. In the country you get used to translating the written words into movement.
Most teachers in our zone would agree we are very friendly and always show a high regard for each other. A lovely luncheon was provided by the Tamworth Ladies. Our top recipe swap this time round would be the Mini Nutella Cheesecakes – and of course the Chocolate Rolo Slice which Jenny makes for every Tamworth event!”
From The New England Associates
Competition Excitement!
There’s a lot of wisdom in this quote for physie girls who want to do well in their
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Physie Hacks!!!!
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful Physie Dad’s out there. Being a father is one of