These bliss balls provide a wholesome source of fuel to top up energy stores between main meals or around physie training and comps. Some packaged snack options found in our local supermarkets are typically laden with added sugars and saturated fat, whilst containing a high GI source of carbohydrate. These foods promote a short burst of energy, followed by a slump. Making your own snacks gives you the ability to better control your nutrition around snack time, whilst also making things to your tasting! These bliss balls are a great source of fibre (chia seeds, weet-bix), protein (skim milk, black beans) and healthy fats (cashews). Made with black beans they are also a sneaky source of iron, important for our energy production.


  • 1x 400g black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1/3 cup dried dates
  • 3/4 cup skim milk powder
  • 3 weet-bix, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons cacao nibs
  • 2 tablespoons dark choc chips
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 2 drops vanilla extract (optional)
  • Cacao powder for rolling


1. Cover cashews and dates with boiling water for at least 15 mins.
2. Add the black beans, cashews and dates (+ 1/2 the soaking water) to a food processor and blitz until starting to form a paste texture.
3. Add the skim milk powder and blend until combined, before adding the weet-bix. Also add the vanilla extract here if using.
4. Remove the food processing blade and stir through the cacao nibs and dark choc chips.
5. Place in the fridge for ~20 mins to slightly set prior to rolling.
6. Remove from the fridge and roll one tablespoon of mixture into a ball through the cacao powder.
7. Place in a container and store in the fridge for ~1 week.

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