5 mins with Sally

My life as a Physie lady in 5 words is… family, friendship, dedication, passion, memorable. The best piece of advice I ever received was 'Think happy thoughts.' It’s amazing how much power your mind has. My best performances are always when I have positive thoughts and just enjoy doing what I love.

2024-07-25T15:50:37+10:00July 27th, 2024|

Tip of the week

Kicks Kicks must be executed by raising and lowering the working leg with control. The body must remain firm by engaging core muscles. Do not cave the chest or push the pelvis forward. Hips must remain level. Do not lift the hip of the working leg. Both legs must be remain

2024-07-25T14:21:10+10:00July 26th, 2024|

Physie Hacks!

Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see how to fix your positions then read the helpful tips to learn more. Lunge In a lunge, you make a straight line from your shoulders to the back foot but you should not

2024-07-22T11:08:43+10:00July 25th, 2024|


During the Second World War, BJP gave intensive fitness training to army recruits for 3-4 weeks on board their troop ships as they sailed off to fight in the war effort. BJP also trained over 3000 rejected army recruits who were accepted into the army after their training.  

2024-07-22T10:52:27+10:00July 23rd, 2024|

5 mins with Ariana

My life as a Physie girl in 5 words is ….. Fun, friends, caring teachers, learning, rememberable! The best piece of advice I ever received was from Miss Chelsea: “Just go out there and have fun!” I’ll never give up Physie because physie is fun and I get to do it with

2024-07-19T16:58:38+10:00July 21st, 2024|


ADRENALINE is the body’s response to stress or fear. It is a hormone that is released into the bloodstream as an innate “flight or fight” reflex. When faced with a sabre-toothed tiger, it helped mankind run faster and survive. Nowadays it can change the way you perform in Physie competitions. The

2024-06-07T11:24:43+10:00July 20th, 2024|

Tip Of The Week

A trunk forward bend is a difficult physie move to master. It involves strong core strength, control over leg muscles and hamstring flexibility. How to get a great trunk forward bend: Lift the body up out of your hips (but you don’t lift shoulders) Stretch your body forward and push your

2024-06-21T17:32:28+10:00July 19th, 2024|


Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see how to fix your positions then read the helpful tips to learn more. LONG LINE BALANCE The raised leg in a long line balance must be directly behind that hip, not splayed out

2024-06-28T16:31:44+10:00July 18th, 2024|
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