A variety of articles exploring the benefits of Physical Culture.

Physie Ladies Supper Night

Hooray for the ladies class' supper night. Think how many thousands of ladies over the decades have had a chat over supper after their physie class. How many joys shared, discussions had, problems solved and (just occasionally) the odd glass of bubbles consumed.  For physie ladies, going to class isn't just a

2015-10-02T15:26:19+10:00September 22nd, 2015|

Another Physie High Achiever

A quick practice after physie comps Kerri Cottell couldn’t be much prouder of her daughter Jessie.  Jessie is 14 and for the last 10 years has been mad about physie and successful too.  But Jess now has a new love…. playing lawn bowls! Kerri says, “Jessie’s passion for Physie

2015-10-02T16:19:30+10:00September 10th, 2015|

High Achiever!

Lifelong physie girl Kirsty Schofield was recently awarded “Outstanding Australian Female Investigator of the Year” by the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. She credits physie with giving her the presence and strength to lead others. She says, “Physie’s motto of Empowering Girls for Life resonates with me for the roles

2015-10-02T16:26:42+10:00September 8th, 2015|
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