Love this photo of a junior team in 1954. BJP lost most of its archives in a fire so if you’ve got any great photos you’d like to share please send them in. Here’s another shot of the Church of England Physie girls taking part in an “Electrification Parade” in a country town… does anyone know which town this was held in?
And lastly, here’s a photo and article from 1939 from the annual “Health Week” parade in Martin Place, Sydney – so we can tell that the position “oblique” is at least 75 years old…
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Did you know…
The roll-top desk and chair used by Christian Bjelke-Petersen, our founder, still graces our offices today. Not many