Have you ever wondered what a Physie Champion gets up to in the off season? What does a physie girl do when she doesn’t have her weekly class to attend?! Here is a glimpse of what Caitlin Mewett, the 2019 Open Senior 19-20 year champion, has been doing in her time off.

What makes physie so special for you?
I believe the most special part of Physie is being able to make life long friends and the memories you create with these people over the years.  There’s no better feeling than getting together with a group of people who share the passion and love of the same sport. Physie friends are there to support you through the highs and lows of this sport and will be your biggest cheerleaders. My favourite part of Opera House 2019 was being able to experience the night with my Figtree family!

How has physie moulded you as a person?
Physie has taught myself that things, in this scenario “steps”, don’t come easy and that’s okay! This has taught me patience and resilience, and to get back up after falling. I find myself hesitant to try new things because of the negative connotations associated with failure. However Physie has pushed me to be determined and persevere, and not to be afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Ultimately, Physie has inspired me to work hard in everything that I do and that I can achieve my goals if I keep trying.

If you could go back in time, what advice and lessons learned would you had given to your “younger self”?
I would tell my “younger self” to step back for a second, relax, breathe and enjoy being present in each class.
I would remind my “younger self” that the competition at the end of the year is only one of the components of Physie and is not the reason why you love the sport.
I would tell my “younger self” to perform for only yourself and not feel pressure to perform for anyone else.

What do you like to do in the physie break?
In the holidays I love to go and explore new places with my family and friends. Whether it’s a new beach, cafe, park etc. These holidays my family and I went and explored Fraser Island for the first time!

What’s your favourite hobby or something that people might not know about you?
I’ve become a connoisseur of cupcakes! In Melbourne you’ll catch me working at a cupcake cafe when I’m not dancing! There’s a perfect cupcake for any moment..

How do you keep fit, healthy and flexible over the break so that you’re ready for the new year?
In the holidays I love to keep moving by swimming at the beach, going on long walks with friends and doing circuit classes at gyms like F45. I also try and attend a few open contemporary dance classes and yoga classes to make sure I keep flexible when on break.

Do you have a favourite personal quote you either heard or have made yourself?
I try to live by focusing on the process and not the outcome. It’s in the process that all the good stuff happens…

Stretch your limits!

December 1st, 2024|

Physie is about creating a healthy body from your head to your toes. Why not use these holidays

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