Have you ever wondered what a Physie Champion gets up to in the off season? What does a physie girl do when she doesn’t have her weekly class to attend?! Here is a glimpse of what Erin Walton has been doing in her time off.
What makes physie so special for you?
Physie is so special to me because I am surrounded by such supportive like-minded women who treat you like family. When you enter the physie hall you are able to leave all of life’s challenges at the door and focus on what makes you happy and brings joy to your life.
How has physie moulded you as a person?
Physie has taught me confidence, resilience and perseverance. As a teacher and a team member I have learned how to be a leader and work with others, so we all achieve our goals. I have also learned not to take for granted the small achievements in life and to always be proud of yourself no matter the outcome.
If you could go back in time, what advice and lessons learned would you had given to your “younger self”
There are so many life lessons I wish I could tell myself but my biggest would have to be never give up on your goals. Work hard for what you want and enjoy each step of the way because one day it will all happen.
What do you like to do in the physie break?
In the physie break I love to get outdoors, go for walks, swim, catch up with friends and try out a new hobby!
What’s your favourite hobby or something that people might not know about you?
I love to swim! I used to swim squad as a kid and in the last few years I have started swimming laps again. It has been so beneficial for my physie and health.
How do you keep fit, healthy and flexible over the break so that you’re ready for the new year?
Over the break I swim, go for walks and go to gym classes. This year I have taken up reformer Pilates with some of the seniors and ladies from Mermaid and absolutely love it!
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Photography: Heidi Boardman