Have you ever wondered what a Physie Champion gets up to in the off season? What does a physie girl do when she doesn’t have her weekly class to attend?! Here is a glimpse of what Ana Castellan, the 2020 Open Senior 21-22 year NSW State Champion, has been doing in her time off.
What makes physie so special for you?
Physie has been a constant in my life that I have been fortunate enough to share with my mum, sisters, Nanna, aunties and cousins. It makes me feel strong, accomplished and proud to be a part of something greater. Physie has given me so many special friendships that mean the world to me, and getting through this crazy year would not have been doable without them!
How has physie moulded you as a person?
Physie has taught me so many life skills that have moulded me into the person I am. Physie has taught me the value of hard work and how to be humble when it pays off, and how to deal with disappointments gracefully. I have also learnt how to be a leader and a team member which helps me both in and out of the physie world.
If you could go back in time, what advice and lessons learned would you had given to your “younger self”?
I would tell myself to take the time to enjoy every success or moment while it’s happening. It can be really easy to roll into the next event without truly appreciating or celebrating your achievements no matter how small. I think this turbulent year has taught us all how to be more appreciative for the fortunes we are afforded and to applaud ourselves every so often because we deserve it!
What do you like to do in the physie break?
After a long physie year with university, work and tutoring I like to spend time with my family, friends and boyfriend Callum. I love going out on the town with my friends, eating lots of yummy food, having beach/pool days and reading a few books in the sun. I also love catching up with my physie girls that I teach at St Luke’s and my class mates at Sylvania – I miss them too much!
What’s your favourite hobby or something that people might not know about you?
I have just finished my first year of my Masters degree at Macquarie University and love science.
How do you keep fit, healthy and flexible over the break so that you’re ready for the new year?
I enjoy going for walks with my puppies Bob (left) and Jeffrey (right), spending as much time as I can outside and lots and lots of swimming! I have also been known to walk around the house doing old syllabus and balances in window reflections.
Do you have a favourite personal quote you either heard or have made yourself?
Its not really a quote, but something my mum says to me. When it’s getting close to the end of the Physie year and mum and I are having a home practice together, sometimes I can get too inside my own head and feel a bit overwhelmed. Mum will say ‘take a breath and show me how much you love it’. After she says this to me and the music starts again, I’m not just doing the syllabus but feeling every count and every word and my whole outlook changes. I think it perfectly sums up the reason we all come back to Physie year after year, because we wholeheartedly love what we do.

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