Q: How long have you been doing physie?
A: I started Physie when I was 5. That’s 20 years ago now!
Q: What’s your favourite routine and why?
A: I love the Warm Up because it’s the first routine we get to perform, it gets the muscles going, the heart pumping and it’s also when I have the most energy!
Q: What do you love most about teaching physie?
A: It is such a rewarding feeling watching the girls and ladies grow, improve and get stronger through the year. Most have already developed a genuine love for Physie and look forward to classes each week.
Q: What’s your favourite quote?
A: “Dream until it’s your reality.” I’ve always truly believed that dreams can come true! And for that to happen, you need to start working towards them. For me, it’s about taking one step at a time, learning from my mistakes, surrounding myself with the right people and remembering to celebrate the small wins along the way. After all, a step forward is a step closer to that dream!!
Q: What’s your favourite Physie memory?
A: Hearing my number called out for 4th place on the Opera House stage at the 2013 Senior Nationals is a night I will never forget. Another highlight is convincing my two older sisters to return to Physie and compete in the same Open Senior Team in 2018. I love that Physie has helped create such a special bond between us and this was a special memory we all got to share together. My mum was also pretty stoked that year!
Q: Where is your club located in Australia?
A: We are in the fast-growing Sydney suburb of Epping. We have students from surrounding suburbs including Beecroft, Cheltenham, Carlingford and Eastwood.
Q: When BJP asked you to take over Epping Physie club, what happened next?
A: It had always been a dream of mine to run my own club with my sisters and a Physie friend. When we started, I was pleasantly surprised at how many girls and ladies had heard of Physie, but had never tried it before. Most of our students are new to Physie this year and are really enjoying dancing and connecting with others. I’m grateful for the opportunity BJP Physie has given me both personally and professionally. Through Physie, I’ve learned to work hard, be determined and be patient. It has helped shape the person I am today. It is amazing to be part of a sport where I am supported by a network of strong, inspiring women. I’m so excited for what’s to come for Epping Physie and, for now, I’ll continue sharing my love for Physie with the world!
Did you know…
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Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman