Q: How long have you been doing Physie?
A: I started when I was 2 years old. I was interested in Physie as my older sister was already doing it. As I got older, I can remember standing at the back of her classes, wishing that I could join in with the big girls. I had a break from Physie somewhere in my twenties but returned after having my children.

Q: What do you love most about teaching Physie?
A:Watching the girls smile after they make a change or correction with success. It’s their Physie journey that I am enjoying sharing with them. Its such a pleasure to work with wonderful students and their parents who share a mutual love for Physie!

Q: What’s your favourite routine and why?
A: Exercises! I love Physie positions and the strength that it takes to execute them to the music.

Q: What’s your favourite inspirational quote or mantra?
A: “Bring it!” And before a routine I often say, “perform like you’re at the competition.” I believe that every second of Physie lessons counts and it’s important that students get into a good routine of “performing” each time they practice.

Q: What’s your favourite Physie memory?
A: Winning champion girl as a young Physie girl at the Opera House was definitely the highlight. However, some of my best memories are of competing in teams at Macquarie Fields. I remember really enjoying the “Splish Splash” dance with my teammates. I think I can still even remember some of the moves!

Q: Who has inspired you the most on your Physie journey?
A: As a student it was definitely watching my sister and all her fellow senior Opera House national finalists perform each year. I have also had some amazing Physie teachers who I can still hear in my head when doing my routines or when teaching my classes.

Q: When you started your club, what was the most unexpected thing?
A: How much Physie parents are willing to help and support their child’s club. Our club spirit is strong in our first year and that is very exciting!

Q: Where is your club located in Australia?
A: We are in Birkdale on the Redlands Coast of Queensland. Birkdale will be hosting the Canoe Slalom event in the 2032 Olympics, so that should put our suburb on the map. Yay!

Tip of the week

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Kicks Kicks must be executed by raising and lowering the working leg with control. The body must remain

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Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

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Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.