My earliest Physie memory is… performing in the babies’ section at an interclub at just two and a half years old. I was out of a nappy but mum had put one on me ‘just in case’. It stuck out of my white leotard with frills around the leg holes and matched the giant white organza bow that was in my curly hair. The judges awarded my participation medal to ‘the little white bride’ and, according to the pictures, I was incredibly proud.
The best piece of advice I ever received was …… the one that has stuck with me most and I have passed on in every class to every student I have ever taught since hearing it. “Why would you give 80% in class and rely on the adrenaline of a comp day to take you to 100% when you could be treating every class like a competition? Give 100% every lesson and that way your adrenaline will take you to 120% or beyond when it comes time to perform!”
My favourite quote is… “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” I know full well the anxiety that can surround a physie competition or performance. We shouoldn’t let that fear control us and stop us from showcasing our hard work. At the end of the day that’s all a competition is – a showcase of the efforts you have put in through the year. It’s not about winning or losing, which leads me to me next favourite quote (which is actually a song lyric) “Just do you!”
My favourite Physie moment was when …. I got to perform in Grand for the first time. Everything from the moment my number was called and the spotlight came on me, to walking down the stairs – trying not to show that my cheeks were shaking as I was holding back tears to be on stage with some of my physie idols for the first time ever. It was something I had watched in awe for so long. To finally experience that moment really was a dream come true!
I’ll never give up Physie because …. I love the way it keeps me active and dancing, especially since finishing my formal dance training. Physie caters for all ages and abilities so I’m confident in knowing I’ll be able to continue into my adult life. It’s also a wonderful outlet from the daily 9-5. I really like being able to switch off from ‘school mode’ and take time for myself, socialising with my classmates and expressing myself through movement. No matter what kind of day you’ve just had, you always feel better when you dance it out!
When I’m not doing Physie I’m ….. Teaching my lovely little year one class – 1 Purple!
I’ll always be grateful for …. My foundation physie training and the control and precision it has given my dance career. My team-mates on professional dance teams and shows comment on my attention to detail in movements and often I’m the token ‘polishing guru’.
My favourite routine is…. This year I am loving the contemporary and floor drill.
Preparing to perform on the 2022 video was… nerve-wracking, exciting, tiring but mostly inspiring. I have such fond memories of watching the senior video girl in amazement and throughout my prep I was so motivated to bring that same feeling to at least one physie girl out there.
My favourite thing about the video shoot was…. Being able to encourage and support girls and women from clubs Australia-wide when they watch the video. I also met new friends, watched age groups I don’t normally get to see and got to cheer on the others who I know put in the hard work like I did, leading up to that day. It was nice to be there knowing we were all feeling the same emotions and could lift each other up, no matter the colour of our club jackets.
My Physie teacher always says….. “Foam roll your muscles and do a full-out run through before any performance.”
I am inspired by …. The thousands of girls that come back to Physie each year regardless of their result the year prior. The ones who define success as more than a numeral ranking or the colour of a badge and who strive only to do a personal best, year after year. The girls who do Physie for the pure love and joy that it brings. You are all your own best competition and the quality you all possess is the best success you could ask for.
Competition Excitement!
There’s a lot of wisdom in this quote for physie girls who want to do well in their
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Physie Hacks!!!!
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful Physie Dad’s out there. Being a father is one of