Alix participated in the very first BJP Physie Camp held for young aspiring teachers. We will be holding another Physie Camp this year (stay tuned for further details!).

Alix and some of the girls who attended physie camp are looking fabulous and proud in their associate uniform at Junior Zone this year.

  • What’s your favourite thing about Physie?
    My favourite thing about Physie is coming to class each week and seeing all the familiar faces… And even the new ones! Physie is definitely like a second home to me. It is not just a place where we go to dance; it’s a place where we create lifelong friends, memories and a place where achievements are made. Physie has definitely had a huge impact on making me the person I am today, through building my confidence, teaching me exactly what sportsmanship is, and giving me the courage to achieve great things and understand that I can do anything I put my mind to. And I think that this is what makes Physie so great; it is more than just a sport.
  • What inspired you to start teaching Phyise?
    I think it is my own Physie teachers that inspired me to start teaching Physie. To see the change they made in my life and many other girls is inspiring to want to do the same. I think also watching girls achieve their goals with you being a helping figure is inspiring.
  • What’s your most memorable moment as a teacher?
    The most memorable moment of being a teacher is watching the girls within my class perform at their competition, knowing that they are trying their best. You get this “proud teacher” feeling which makes the teaching experience so much better. It amazing to know that you helped that girl to perform to the best of their ability.
  • What have you learned from teaching Physie?
    I have learned the aspects of what makes a great teacher. These aspects are things such as respecting your class so that they respect you, whilst still having control. I have learned how to speak to the girls and give directions , whilst making the lesson fun and interactive.
  • What was it like when you first started teaching Physie?
    When I first started teaching, I remembered being very excited but nervous at the same time. I was 11 and was helping teach the babies, 5 and 6’s. My teacher was there with me the whole time, so I learnt from her which helped build my confidence in teaching the class. As lessons went on, I got more comfortable with the girls and started to take more initiative with certain things.
  • What’s the best thing about being a Physie teacher?
    The best thing is seeing the girls each week, improving, and becoming the best they possibly can. It is great to see how far each girl comes, performing to the best of their ability. Being a Physie teacher is also the best, as it allows me to share my passion for physie with the young girls.
  • What’s something about teaching Physie that you didn’t expect?
    I didn’t expect it to be so rewarding, in the way that it allows you to see first hand the changes each student goes through, in becoming better at Physie and also improving themselves as a whole. It is amazing to see your girls achieve their personal goals throughout the year knowing that you assisted in achieving that goal.
  • How has teaching changed you?
    Teaching has allowed me to become more confident with crowds. It has also made me a more responsible person, as the little girls are constantly looking up to you as an inspiration.
  • What would you say to someone who wants to become a Physie teacher?
    I would definitely tell them to give it a go, as it is rewarding in so many ways that you think wouldn’t even be possible. Becoming a Physie teacher has so many positives. It may be nerve racking at first but it becomes an experience like no other.
  • What was Physie Camp like?
    Physie Camp was a great experience! It made me aware of all the fun activities the kids could do              that would improve their work. It made me realise that there are fun ways to teach that will keep the girls involved and happy. Physie Camp also gave me the opportunity to meet so many other talented teachers and build stronger friendships with members from other clubs. Camp taught me the “do’s and don’ts” of great Physie teaching that will benefit the students immensely. It pushed me out of my comfort zone which definitely benefited me in the long run. I would do it again in a heartbeat!


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