A nourishing start to the day is vital to being healthy and feeling energised.
It’s important to provide your body with a nutrition powerhouse full of protein, low GI foods, fibre and healthy fats, as these nutrients take our body longer to break down. This slow burning energy will help to keep you powering and performing at your best throughout the day.

Oats are a low GI carbohydrate and also provide us with an excellent source of wholegrains and B vitamins, important for energy production. The fruit also provides a source of carbohydrate, giving our body its most efficient source of energy. The fibre found in the oats, fruit and chia seeds will also keep you feeling fuller for longer.
The calcium found in the milk and yoghurt is not only important for strong teeth and bones, but also helps with our muscle contraction when exercising. The protein also found in these foods is an important nutrient post-exercise, to promote the repair and growth of muscle tissue.
The nuts and peanut butter provide an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids (healthy fats) important for brain function.

Overnight Oats
• 1/2 cup oats
• 1/2 cup milk of choice
• 3/4 cup natural Greek yoghurt
• 1 tbsp chia seeds
• 2 tsp cacao
• 2 tsp roughly ground nuts of choice
• 1 tsp peanut butter
• 3/4 cup fruit of choice (e.g. 1/2 cup berries + 1/4 banana)
• cinnamon & ginger to taste

1. In a bowl combine oats with milk + cinnamon & ginger.
2. In a separate bowl combine yoghurt, chia & cacao.
3. In a jar layer half the oats, spices if desired, nuts, fruit followed by yogurt, repeating a second layer before topping with peanut butter.
4. Jars can last in the fridge for ~2-3 days.

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