Physie girls often pay a lot of attention to the BIG muscle groups in the body: hamstrings, quads, back and so on. Did you know there are over 600 muscles in the human body? Over the physie year, we’ll be showing you how to stretch some of the ones you might not usually think about. Today let’s look at your ankles – yes your ankles! You probably don’t realise just how much work they do when you are doing physie, marching and dancing. They don’t just keep you upright but they are controlling your balance, your rise and your rotation as well as your foot flexion and extension. Before every physie class you should warm them up with this simple sequence.
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Why do we love to dance?
Physie is often described as people's "happy place" and is a time to forget everything else that is
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Back in the 1930s it was popular to use props in physical culture, a little like today’s rhythmic