This could well be the cutest physie photo ever, taken at Penrith club’s “Physie in your Pyjamas Night” where the girls recently raised $120 for a club member who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis.
The mother of two (both daughters are physie girls) was told 5 years ago that she wouldn’t be able to walk within 2 years but in true physie style she has defied this prediction, is still doing physie and constantly inspires all those who know her to be positive about themselves.
The girls were very excited to do their class in PJ’s (it happened to be one of the coldest nights in winter) and even Miss Robyn could be spotted in her pastel pinks…
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Did you know…
The roll-top desk and chair used by Christian Bjelke-Petersen, our founder, still graces our offices today. Not many