“Not many 20 year olds can say they have been dedicated to one sport and one sport only for over half of their lives… However, my physie best friend Marnie and I certainly can.
We met as 8 year olds starting out in the crazy world of Physical Culture and have been friends ever since. We’ve both moved clubs a few times but, no matter what, we are always there to support each other by turning into hair & make up artists or simply watching on the sidelines.
Every competition I have been in, I know I can turn around and Marnie will be there, usually pulling a silly face to distract me from how nervous I am.
The two photos are taken 10 years apart at our first Nationals together and at our most recent interclub together.
Physie has given me confidence, strength, flexibility and, most of all, a life-long friend – Physie friends are friends for life!”
Olivia, Brisbane North Physie
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Why do we love to dance?
Physie is often described as people's "happy place" and is a time to forget everything else that is
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Back in the 1930s it was popular to use props in physical culture, a little like today’s rhythmic