One of the most wonderful things about physie is the friendships that are formed. There’s something very special about a physie friend. You work side by side at class, you pull together in teams, you compete against each other and remain friends and, most importantly, you are there for each other no matter what the outcome is.
Learning to win and lose gracefully is important but learning to support your team-mates in their journey is the essence of true sportsmanship.
There are so many physie ladies who are in teams today with friends that they met at physie when they were kids. And for many, these friendships have played a significant and supportive role in their lives, some for 50 years or more.
What other sport has such longevity and can be a part of your life, for the whole of your life? Where else can you experience something as child, watch your children enjoy the same things you did and then see your grandchildren do the same…
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Why do we love to dance?
Physie is often described as people's "happy place" and is a time to forget everything else that is
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Back in the 1930s it was popular to use props in physical culture, a little like today’s rhythmic