It’s fantastic to have role models who we watch and aspire to be like one day! But how did they get to be so good?! It wasn’t magic… they worked hard!
You should always strive to be the best that you can be and push yourself to achieve your personal best. Try starting with a few of the pointers below.
* Practice. Use a mirror or video yourself to see what your strengths and weaknesses are.
* Take feedback from your teachers as a compliment and work hard to make the changes.
* Work on the hard things. Don’t just focus on the things that come easy.
* Always continue to improve your fitness and stamina.
* Believe in yourself.
* Commit. Set your goals, make a plan and stick to it!
* Warm up, stretch and cool down. Look after your body.
* Be yourself.
* Have fun and enjoy the process.
Remember: It won’t happen right away but with continued focus and persistence, your weaknesses might soon become your strengths!
BjP Performance History
BjP Physie girls have been lucky enough to perform at a variety of events throughout the years. The
Stretch and Stretch Again!!!
Countdown til physie returns! Not long now..... so it's time to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Did you know…
The roll-top desk and chair used by Christian Bjelke-Petersen, our founder, still graces our offices today. Not many