This week some great club shots from around the country.  Cute physie fairies line up ready to dance in Camden Haven while in Mortdale the physie fairies brought their teddies to class. In Canberra the ladies enter the Colour Run and of course have to march! In Waratah (Newcastle) the girls practice perfect posture by balancing cups of water on their heads. In Runcorn Park (Qld) the girls surprise their teacher with presents for “Physie  Teacher Day”. And the Penrith girls proudly display their club gear (tho they do seem to be a long way from home…).
Keep sending your great shots in… we love them!

mortdale teddy nightcanberrawaratah physie teacher day at runcorn penrith

Physie Hacks!

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Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see


July 23rd, 2024|

During the Second World War, BJP gave intensive fitness training to army recruits for 3-4 weeks on board

5 mins with Ariana

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My life as a Physie girl in 5 words is ….. Fun, friends, caring teachers, learning, rememberable! The best


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ADRENALINE is the body’s response to stress or fear. It is a hormone that is released into the

Physie TV

Physie TV

Some of the best selection of videos highlights on Physie TV

Hall of Champions

Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

See our Physical Culture image gallery


Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.