1922263_836193999731433_1424603280_nQuite possibly.  At least in Guildford anyway.  The club recently had a “Crazy Hair Day” at class and the dads getting involved too! Once upon a time only mums brought their daughters to physie but now there are so many dads involved, it’s really touching to see how much they love watching their girls learn, dance and perform.  The winning ‘crazy hair-do’ was in fact created by a dad – so good on ya dad!









A girl’s father is one of the most influential people in her life, from infant to teenager, having a big impact on his little girl’s development into a strong, confident woman. So… no, Physie dads you are NOT crazy! What’s more, your daughters will always remember that you were an integral part of their physie lives and made them feel special.

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Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

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