Have you ever wondered what a Physie Champion gets up to in the off season? What does a physie girl do when she doesn’t have her weekly class to attend?! Here is a glimpse of what Elyse Gregory has been doing in her time off.
What makes physie so special for you?
Physie is a sport that I have been a part of since the age of 3. I am lucky enough to share this sport with my mum, and to be able to share my passion for physie with my students. I have found forever friends and mentors that are, and always will be so special to me. It is my place for expression, freedom, hard work and a whole lot of fun.
How has physie moulded you as a person?
Physie has made me healthy and strong, and taught me to look after my body and mind. I have learnt the value of hard work, allowing me to appreciate my successes and accept that I will have disappointments, knowing these will make me stronger. Teaching and being a part of a team has taught me the power of working together with a common goal in mind.
If you could go back in time, what advice and lessons learned would you had given to your “younger self”
I would tell my younger self to never give up on your dreams and to take any set backs and turn them into challenges that can be conquered. Find inspiration in those around you.
What do you like to do in the physie break?
I take time in the break to catch up with friends and family after the busy “silly” season that is the end of the physie year. I enjoy walking by the beach, camping with friends and family and just taking some me-time which is often hard to find between University study, Physie, Teaching and work.
What’s your favourite hobby or something that people might not know about you?
I am constantly on the lookout for ways to redecorate or change my room to keep it feeling fresh, which keeps me feeling motivated and fresh too.
How do you keep fit, healthy and flexible over the break so that you’re ready for the new year?
I allow my body time to recover from the busy year, while going on walks, playing with my dog, Bentley, and exploring different types of exercise, such as Pilates or running, that I wouldn’t usually do.
Do you have a favourite personal quote you either heard or have made yourself?
“She believed she could, so she did”. I was given a frame with this quote in it as a gift from family friends (from physie, of course) and it has been stuck on my wall ever since. I always come back to this quote to remind myself that I need to believe in myself and my abilities to be able to achieve my dreams.
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
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Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
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