Q: When did you start doing Physie?
A: I started physie in the late 80’s as a tiny 6 year old and stayed until the age of 21. Then I had a long break – but only because life took me away from where Physie was. I started back up again in my late 30’s when Physie came to my town. When I knew I was going to be moving to Townsville, I realised there was no club there and that’s when I started to think about the fact that I’d have to open my own club.

Q: Where is your club located?
A: Townsville physie opened its doors in 2020 in Far North Queensland. It’s 1,334km north of Brisbane – that’s a 15 ½ hour drive!

Q: When you started a new club what was surprising or unexpected?
A: I was surprised by the amount of members that joined who knew what Physie was. The most unexpected thing was Covid – but we survived.

Q: What advice would you give someone starting a new club?
A: Make sure you have a team of helpers and learn to delegate because it’s not easy on your own.

Q: What do you love most about teaching Physie?
A: I love that I get to share my passion for it. It’s the whole reason I started a club.

Q: What is your personal mantra?
A: Never give up!

Q: What’s your favourite routine and why?
A: I love the floor drill the most. I find myself using my whole body in this routine and I guess, to me, it’s the most achievable.

Q: What is your proudest Physie moment?
A: My proudest moment is being brave enough to bring physie to Townsville!

Q: Who inspires you the most?
A: It’s not one person really but it’s the many women and girls who love it as much as I do.


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