My life as a Physie lady in 5 words is… happiness, determination, fitness, friendship and strength.
When I’m not doing Physie I’m…. working as a Paediatric Speech Pathologist and spending time with my beautiful family.
I’ll always be grateful for… the experiences and life skills that Physie has given me. From dancing on the Opera Stage to competing in a team while 30 weeks pregnant, physie has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and believe in myself.
I’ll never give up Physie because… it’s my happy place and something I get to share with my mum, nan and cousin.
My favourite routine this year is… the Advanced! The syllabus and music are beautiful and let you tell a story.
Preparing to perform on the 2024 video was… such a surreal experience! I never thought I’d be a video girl, so I tried to embrace all aspects of the experience. I enjoyed the challenge of learning the syllabus so quickly. Luckily I have a very supportive husband who didn’t mind listening to the physie music every night!
My favourite thing about the video shoot was… getting to share the experience with two of my physie idols: Sally and Ashleigh. I also loved doing the training module with Sally and Adele.
I am inspired by… my beautiful mum, Steph, in all aspects of life. After 25+ years of Physie, she still does my hair for every competition and is my biggest supporter.
Here is a weekly series to help you perfect some key Physie positions. Watch the video to see
UPWARD STRETCH Arms stretched upwards, shoulder width apart Palms in Keep your shoulders pressed down Arms should be
Why do we love to dance?
Physie is often described as people's "happy place" and is a time to forget everything else that is
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
Back in the 1930s it was popular to use props in physical culture, a little like today’s rhythmic