- My life as a physie girl in 5 words would be … Strong, Fun, Encouragment, Fitness annd Flexibility.
- My earliest physie memory is when I was 4 years old and I always wore a red leotard.
- Best piece of advice I recieved is “always try your best and to have fun”.
- My favourite quote is “Have courage and be kind”.
- My favourite physie moment was when my number was called out at Nationals in first place, best memory ever!
- I’ll never give up physie because I love doing it and it makes me happy and healthy.
- When I’m not doing physie I am with my family, going for walks with our dog Diamond.
- I’ll always be grateful for everything I have in my life. My mum, my siblings, being able to do physie and being healthy. I am also grateful for having the opportunity to be on the BJP DVD :)
- My favoutie physie routine is all of them.
- Preparing for the DVD was super exciting! I had lots of fun with my teacher, Elizabeth as she would always make me laugh. She would always encourage me and helped me be the best I could be for the DVD. I loved every moment.
- My favourite part about the video shoot was everything!!! I had the best day ever. I loved meeting all the other performers, taking photos, filming the syllabus, and meeting the people running the shoot. It was an exciting day and a dream come true.
- My physie teacher always says “Do your best”.
- Im inspiried by my Mummy. She is an amazing mum, she does everything for me and my siblings. I love her so much.
Heidi Boardman Performing Art Gallery
Photography: Heidi Boardman
What should I eat before a competition?
Depending on how close you are to performing, will change your ratio of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat).
You can’t buy self-confidence right? No. But you can get it through friendship. Your Physie friends have your
Forward and Side Toe Points When executing a toe point it is important to keep both legs straight