My life as a Physie girl/lady in 5 words is ….. It’s always my happy place.

My earliest Physie memory is…. Bringing my best friend to physie on “bring a friend week” and we both got purple shower caps and wore them in class.

The best piece of advice I ever received was …… Run your own race and improve at your own pace. You don’t compete against your friends, you compete with your friends.

My favourite quote is… Think about how proud your past self would be if they could see you now.

I’ll never give up Physie because …. Of the way it makes me feel. Whether you’re having a good day, bad day or not feeling great, Physie always re-centres me.

When I’m not doing Physie I’m ….. A contortionist, hand balancer and foot archer. I hold 2 world records for shooting 15 metres with my feet in a handstand.

I’ll always be grateful for …. The first time my mum took me to physie.

If I could have any superhero power it would be…. Invisibility – I’m a bit of an introvert so I think it would be fun.

My favourite routine is…. Floor drill – I love it!

To prepare for physie competitions I… Practice a few hours a day up until 3 days before a comp then I don’t practice at all until I compete. I also have pasta and ice cream the night before a competition.

My favourite thing about performing is…. The feeling you get when you have done your best.

I’m looking forward to…… The competition season and seeing all my friends from other clubs and states.

My Physie teacher always says….. Just one more time – lol !

I am inspired by …. My mum. I’ve always looked up to my mum because she inspires me, not just to be the best Physie girl I can be, but the best person I can be.

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Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

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