My life as a Physie girl in 5 words is….  “being able to express myself”.

My earliest Physie memory is….  travelling to Sydney to perform on the 2011 DVD. I remember walking around the city with rollers in my hair, playing at Timezone and going for lunch. Then on the way back to the hotel it started raining so my mum tied a plastic bag around my head to stop my hair from getting wet. The whole experience was so much fun!

The best piece of advice I ever received was…. that if you want to succeed at anything in life it takes determination, commitment, and practice. You can use this in all aspects of your life and especially in Physie.

My favourite quote is… “It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer”.

My favourite Physie moment was….  marching out on the Opera House stage for the first time, but prior to that it was seeing one of my best friends make it to Nationals for the first time. We had competed together for years and hearing her number called at zone was the best feeling. It was so exciting to share the Nationals experience with her.

I’ll never give up Physie because… it is something you can do for your whole life. I see the ladies in our club and I love the lifelong friendships they have made and the bond they share. They always have so much fun, at Physie and spending time together outside of Physie.

When I’m not doing Physie… I’m busy teaching dance, working at my part-time job and performing as a professional dancer.

My favourite routine is…. the dance. I love that I can really show my personality and entertain the audience. This year I am also loving the contemporary. It is my first year performing this and I love the feeling and expression you can put into it.

I’m looking forward to….  coming to Sydney to compete. I love catching up with the friends I have made from other clubs, and competitions is the perfect chance to do this.

My Physie teacher always says….  “you win the medals in class”. I love this because I know that you need to put the effort into your lessons and not just expect it to all just happen on the day. If you practice like you’re in a competition you don’t need to worry about the added pressures that you naturally feel on competition day because you have done all the hard work.

I am inspired…. by the people around me that have worked hard in their chosen field and have continued to work hard. It helps to keep me motivated and makes me want to continue to work hard.

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Physie TV

Physie TV

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Hall of Champions

Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

See our Physical Culture image gallery


Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.