We are thrilled to announce the 2019 BJP Physie Teacher Training Camp to inspire and educate the future associates of BJP!

Here are the camp details:

Dates:                   Sunday 15 Dec, 4:30pm to Wednesday 18 Dec, 3pm

Ages:                     Open to 15-18 year olds (current registered BJP members only)

Venue:                  The Collaroy Centre, Homestead Ave, Collaroy Heights

Cost:                      $350 including GST

Includes:              3 nights bunk-style cabin accommodation and all meals, workshops and activities

Deadline:             Applications close when full.  Applications will only be accepted once payment has been received.

How to apply:    Click here to fill out your application

Please note:  This course is for FUTURE Associates and therefore not open to current Associates.  If you are an associate aged 16 or 18 who wishes to attend, please contact BJP Head Office and request to be put on the wait list.

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