Terms and Conditions of Registration

As a registered member of a BJP club I accept and understand I have the right to learn the BJP Syllabus, attend class and compete in any individual competitions run by BJP. This also applies to Team competitions providing my club can provide a team in my age/status category. I also understand that competition is not compulsory and I have the right to choose not to compete if I so desire.

I understand that once my registration is complete there will be no refund available.

I agree to abide by all current BJP rules.

I agree to abide by any BJP directives issued at any time.

Rules of Registration:

1. Members 5 years and older must be registered and pay online to learn the BjP syllabus regardless of whether they compete.

Unregistered members may not learn the BJP syllabus.

2. Members 4 years old who compete in interclubs and/or teams, must register with BJP and pay online.

3. Registration payment is $99 per person including GST. and must be paid online by the member.

4. Individuals may only register with and compete for one club and may not change clubs during the year.

5. Once registration is complete, members cannot change clubs unless they apply for and are granted by BJP a Transfer of Registration.

6. Transfer of Registration will only be granted if:

a. The member has a genuine change of address bringing her closer to the club she wishes to join;

b. A club closes all or some of its classes during the year . Members from those classes are eligible for transfer of Registration.

7. Returning Members:

a. Members returning on or before 15th March may register with any club they wish;

b. Members returning after 15th March must return to the club they belonged to the previous year, unless they apply for and are granted a Transfer of Registration.

8. Applications for Transfer of Registration are submitted by Associates on behalf of their members using the appropriate form. Proof is required.

9. Members may only compete for and attend classes at the club with which they are registered in that year.

 I agree to abide by the Rules of Registration as set out above .
BJP will use the information provided on this form, as well as other information it obtains from you to administer BJP Physie, its events and competitions throughout Australia, and in any activities in which you participate through BJP Physie, and to care for and supervise, activities in which you are involved in. In some cases this may require BJP Physie to disclose the information to BJP affiliated clubs. In the event of a medical or child safeguarding issue arising, BJP Physie may disclose certain information to doctors or other medical specialists and/or to police, children’s social care, the courts and/or probation officers and, potentially to legal and other advisers involved in an investigation.
I accept BJP’s disclosure policy.
BJP Physie may from time to time, record or take photographs at displays, competitions and other events organised by BJP Physie for the purpose of promoting BJP Physie. These recordings or images may be used by BJP Physie on its website, social media pages, advertising material or in programmes, publications or mainstream media.
I consent to BJP Physie taking recordings, photographs or using my image for these purposes .

Members’ Code of Conduct:

  • Enjoy yourself and have fun.
  • Respect the dignity and worth of all members regardless of their ability, size, appearance, age or cultural origin.
  • Treat all members as you would like to be treated.
  • Show respect for and co – operate with your teachers and other officials, without them there would be no competition.
  • Pay the annual registration fee to BjP for the right to learn the syllabus, whether you participate in competitions or not.
  • Be humble when you win and graceful when you lose.
  • Don’t seek excuses or blame the judges or your teacher when you lose but aim for self – improvement.
  • Do not criticise other members or competitors .
  • Be a good sport. Applaud other competitors whether they are from your club or another.
  • Work equally hard for yourself and your team. The team will benefit and so will you.
  • Be loyal to your club and to BjP and support them in the wider community.
  • Demonstrate appropriate behaviour at all competitions and comply with any directives issued by BJP officials.
  • Do not engage in any communication, including via the internet or mobile phones, that negatively impacts upon, causes harm to or makes another person feel unsafe.
I agree to abide by the BJP Code of Conduct for members as set out above .

Physie TV

Physie TV

Some of the best selection of videos highlights on Physie TV

Hall of Champions

Hall of Champions

Congratulations to all our Grand Champions of 2022.

Performing Art Gallery

Performing Art Gallery

See our Physical Culture image gallery


Senior Grand Champions

Senior Grand Champions

The Senior Champion Girl Finals have been held annually at the Sydney Opera House since 1974.


What people say

“I am so lucky to share this wonderful sport with my two sisters and daughter. I get to enjoy watching my daughter’s passion for Physie grow, just as mine did, and I love that we have such a special connection through Physie.”


“I’m so glad that a friend convinced me to take my daughter to her first Physie lesson. It gets her moving, off her devices and it improves her posture, confidence & flexibility.


“Ten years ago, I went looking for a fun and affordable dance sport for my 4 year old daughter. We found Physie and have never looked back!”


Physie is an elegant way of developing fitness, grace and strength in girls and women. At BJP, we are proud of how Physie weaves its way throughout the lives of Australian families. Generations of women have discovered a true sense of community and a sport for life.”

Jackie Rawlings, BJP Director

“My daughter absolutely LOVES Physie and so do I! Above all else, Physie has allowed us to join a beautiful network of amazing women.” 


“I began Physie at the age of three and have loved it ever since. Physie has taught me to be creative and confident but the best part is the lifelong friendships which I treasure!”

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